
Logo Fraunhofer ISI
Logo Fraunhofer ISI

The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) conducts applied research in seven Competence Centers with a total of 28 Business Units and sees itself as an independent institute for society, politics and industry. Our expertise in the area of innovation research is based on the synergy of the technical, economic and social science knowledge of our staff members. In our work, we apply not only a broad spectrum of advanced scientific theories, models, methods and social-science measurement instruments, but continually develop them further, utilizing the empirical findings from the research projects conducted.

On behalf of our customers, we investigate the scientific, economic, ecological, social, organizational, legal and political framework conditions for generating innovations and their implications. We use science-based analysis, evaluation and forecasting methods. Our assessments of the potentials and limitations of technical, organizational or institutional innovations help decision-makers from industry, academia and politics in making strategic decisions and thus assist them in creating a favorable environment for innovations. This makes Fraunhofer ISI one of the leading innovation research institutes in Europe.

Logo Hu Berlin
Logo Hu Berlin

As one of eleven German universities, the Humboldt-Universität was chosen “University of Excellence” in June 2012. It was successful in all three funding lines in the third round of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments and awarded for its future concept “Educating Enquiring Minds: Individuality – Openness – Guidance”. In an international comparison, Humboldt- Universität ranks among the top ten of German universities. Scientists here research socially relevant topics and challenges of the future and communicate these with the public. Humboldt-Universität invests all its energy in being a place of excellent research and teaching. It’s aim is to promote young talents and to positively influence society and economy outside the university framework.


The German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) carries out application-oriented empirical research. Our work focuses on two main fields: research on higher education, including analyses of students' and graduates' experiences, issues relating to life-long learning, steering and funding, and research into the scientific world and academic organisations. The Centre sees itself as part of the scientific community and is a service provider for higher education institutions and policy-makers.


The European Network of Indicator Designers (ENID) aims to facilitate and promote the cooperation between institutions and individuals actively engaged in designing, constructing, producing as well as using, and interpreting Science and Technology Indicators (S&T Indicators). In order to fulfil its objective ENID sets out to promote the following activities:

  • The organisation of an international conference series on S&T Indicators.
  • The organisation of researcher's training activities on S&T Indicators.
  • The publication of scholarly papers and special issues in journals devoted to S&T Indicators.
  • The diffusion of information on events and activities related to S&T Indicators, especially through its website and the ENID mailing list. The ENID mailing list is open to all subscribers to circulate information on S&T Indicators-related activities. You can subscribe to the ENID mailing list via the link provided here or, alternatively you can send an email with "subscribe" in the subject to enid-join (at)

ENID is an open network. All organizations active in the field of S&T Indicators can join the association and contribute to its activities. Members are encouraged to propose activities to be pursued under the umbrella of ENID. Activities should be accessible to all members of the network.

Supported by

Logo Berlin University Alliance
Logo Berlin University Alliance
Logo Kompetenznetzwerk Bibliometrie
Logo Kompetenznetzwerk Bibliometrie