In the following you will find some information on the review process of contributions to STI2024 conference.
The review process will be organised using the EasyChair platform. To access the EasyChair website, please follow the link EasyChair and log in with your EasyChair login details.
If you do not yet have an EasyChair account, please go to the EasyChair website and click on "create an account". Please provide the requested information and follow the instructions.
For each research paper up to three reviewers are invited by the program committee to independently make an assessment based on the reviewer criteria and to lay down their conclusions in short review reports. Based on the review reports and the selection criteria, the program committee decides to accept the research paper for oral presentation, for poster presentation or not to accept it for presentation.
In your review, please comment on a contribution by considering the following criteria: Significance of topic, issue or problem; originality of contribution; quality of methodology, analysis or statistical treatment; relevance for policy, management or other applications; overall assessment.
Conference contributions are short papers (max. 3000 words), therefore your review report could be relatively brief. Your review should consider both of the above criteria and provide a clear justification for your recommendation. Please ensure to use a respectful and constructive language when writing your review. Keep in mind that the program committee of the conference will use your review to decide which contributions to accept for oral or poster presentation at the conference.
Deadline for submission of reviews is 12 June 2024 (extended). We need to inform authors as soon as possible about the acceptance or rejection of their contribution. The success of the conference strongly depends on you getting involved and thus, if you have submitted a contribution, we ask you to also contribute to the peer review process. Just as others will review your contribution, we hope you are prepared to review contributions by others.
Reviewing a contribution therefore should take a limited amount of your time. We appreciate that there may be exceptional circumstances that make it impossible for you to serve as a reviewer. In this case, please contact us as soon as possible. Thank you!
If you have any questions about the review process or other topics, please contact us by e-mail at
Thank you to all reviewers for your efforts. Your help is very much appreciated!